Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Great End to the Learning 2009 Conference

Well this has been a great week - many blog posts to come - but most important, the final party featured the top Beatle tribute band in the country, Fab Faux - wow. 1,300 attendees rocked the house with 90 solid minutes of excellently performed Beatles tunes.

I was able to record almost the entire set - hey, I had to dance a little bit, and it was hard to record and tap my toes at the same time. These were all shot with a MinoHD camera - the blog doesnt' show the whole width of the HD (must fix that someday...), so double click and it will take you to YouTube and you can watch it in it's full glory. Audio came out great!

Here you go - 12 songs, in their entirety, starting with Back in the USSR.

And the Encore

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